4 ways to protect your curls this summer
4 ways to protect your curls this summer
Sulphates are commonly found in shampoos and a whole bunch of cleaning and hygiene products. Many of us have been so caught up in the hype of not using sulphates in our shampoos, not realising that many of our common cosmetics, hygiene and household products, that we regularly use, include some kind
I must admit that I was a product junkie for a long time. I’m now in recovery. I’m trying to spread the good hair news, that you don’t need to fall into the trap of using too many products, or do too many things to your hair.
If like me, you live in a country where the sun rarely wants to make an appearance; and warmth is a rarity, then you are going to need some tips on how to keep your curls looking and feeling more moisturised, and less like dry tumble weed over the coming winter months.
Christmas is fast approaching, and the time has come where you have to decide what to buy for your loved ones. So to make Christmas shopping that tiny bit easier for you, we have a few gift ideas.
Help!! I have an itchy Scalp! 4 Reasons why your scalp may be itchy.
Top tips for curlies to help manage hair wash days.